Private Tour

Serra do Cipó National Park

Recommended itinerary 2 to 3 days

Serra do Cipó National Park - Band-winged Nightjar Band-winged Nightjar
Serra do Cipó National Park - Cipo Canastero Cipo Canastero
Serra do Cipó National Park - Pileated Finch Pileated Finch
Serra do Cipó National Park - Porphyrospiza Porphyrospiza
Serra do Cipó National Park - White Woodpecker White Woodpecker
Minas Gerais State Minas Gerais State

The Serra do Cipo National Park lies at one end of the Serra do Espinhaço mountain range, 110 km from the city of Belo Horizonte, the capital of the state of Minas Gerais.

It ranges from submontane habitats at 800 m, through cerrado and campo rupestre (rocky outcrops with highly specialized plant forms) to high altitude grasslands with spectacular scenery at around 1200m.

Many rare and interesting species of birds can be found, such as Giant Snipe, Hyacinth Visorbearer, Horned Sungem, Marsh Tapaculo, Gray-backed Tachuri, Yellow-billed Blue Finch, Pale-throated Pampa-Finch, Cinereous Warbling-Finch, Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner, Cipo Canastero and the Cipo Cinclodes.

Night excursions often prove to be very productive with great chances of seeing Band-winged and Spot-tailed Nightjar and Tropical Screech-Owl.

Combined tour

This tour can be combined with any of the following: